2018, ഡിസം 28


Sanjayan has to give an exotical description to king to communicate properly what’s happening in the war field.
Indiscriminate decisions happen due to fear.


Chariot drawn by four white horses driven by Lord Sree Krishna.Sree Krishna drives the chariot to the middle of war front as requested by Arjuna.

Arjuna got Hysteric seeing the relatives and friends in the enemy order. Arjuna complained to Krishna that his mind is in a whirling sensation .He cannot hold gandhivam , facing bad senses and loses self-confidence , lost rational thinking.     

        Arjuna expresses his anxiety to Krishna

  • Arjuna said “I don’t want to win the pleasures of Kingdom killing my own people” .
  • Cycological pessimistic approach will bring severe negative mental break-up.
  • For whom sake I want to win the battle those peoples are standing in the enemy front ready to sacrifice their life in the battle. Arjuna has arrayed several reasons for non-willingness to fight. I don’t want to kill them even they kill me; even I will get three worlds. Killing these peoples will bring sin to me so I don’t want to make my future life in misery so I’m not going to fight.  

 What is the Importance of Family value system ...

  • Family tie should be strong, no individual preference should be given importance .If individual preferences will generate in family that will destroy integrity in family , that will in turn affect society developing culture that never support nationalist ideas and practices.
  • Noble virtues exercised by family should pass to coming generations and it is their duty to sustain those virtues.
  • Value based systems is broken, there is no value based actions in the world.
  • These may lead confusions in society destroying the family unity and integrity. Values, virtues and ideology should lead the actions benefiting fruitful results to family, society and cultural background for the nation.   

Why we should understand our past factually......... 

  • Roots are forgotten so our own identity is lost since things in past is the cause of present which will cause future. Present is the product of past pursuits. So always link past to our life to bring better present and future. Past culture will bring the intuitiveness to perform the actions in present and future so if we forget past we will lose the satisfaction in actions so this will be compensated with money, so we will start all type of actions to collect more money sacrificing the abilities and virtues.
  • Unfortunately man himself creates the sorrows and suffers. Once the value system is broken, the total integrity is lost and there start the sufferings and sorrows.
  • Whenever you are in hysterical mood the best thing is to keep quiet.

To the Despondent and pessimistic Arjuna Bhagwan starts talking to him.

  • Arjuna from where did you get this sense of dejection, which is not a noble act. Tears in eye is effeminate, nobody will accept this. An attachment brings hesitation. By saying that Arjuna surrendered to Sree Krishna.
  • We can live in higher values of life, where ever the lord has put face your challenges with righteousness and improve spiritually and purify the mind, pious of contemplation should be achieved.
  •  If you have mental pious play the game, playing is important enjoy your play you win or lose.
  • Arjuna is talking like an Erudite Scholar, Individuality is non-permanent .Everything is like a flow coming and going not staying permanent.
  • Names and forms will come up to exhaust the desires, but they were here in the past and will be here always. We were present everywhere always, reality is permanently present.     


       What should be my intelligent life style?

  • Each individual lives in his own body, Individuality who was in dwellers of body to more conducive experiences. You the experiencer, experience childhood, youth and old age. All the sense of possession is through the physical body. When you are sleep where is your money, possessions where???
  • Joys and sorrows are coming due to contact with physical experience. So long as mind is contacting outer world our experience persists or sorrows can come. Things in the world cannot touch you unless you attach to it (mental contact) an allow it to touch you.
  • A bottle cannot attract you, our mental contact force you or tie you down to allow it to entangle you. These experiences come and go it’s our own mental projection which decides whether we will accept it with calmness or become attach to it and become despondent.   
  • A little happy or sorrow will make you up and down  so silently suffer them with dignity, they will not be permanent , so enjoy the life with all the serenity.       

Who is the Know-er  What is the nature of Experience         

  • Knower cannot be in the system of change.  I experience everything! Which is this changeless? Einstein is an objective scientist Spiritual science is one step beyond. Illuminator or illuminating principle is consciousness. Consciousness is the light in which we experience the physical and mental emotions. Narayana the lord pervades everyone.
  • Knowing principle is GOD. That which is pervading equally, nobody can destroy it.
  • Unreal are real disturbed. When the mind and intellect is calmed the world of plurality unfolded to reality. Real is immutable, permanent, Incomprehensible. Sense organs, mind, Intellect are equipment’s of experience. All of them are inert matter, all of them are dynamic.
  • Beyond BMI, beyond time, you cannot know him with your equipment’s.
  • No need to afraid of conditions outside, chase them up and face it fearlessly.
  • Infinite not destroyed, finite is not permanent.     

How Time emerges from consciousness and how is it related to GOD concept....

  • Time is an object of consciousness so consciousness it is beyond time, because we cannot observe time. Every change means death of previous condition and birth of new condition. Change happens in the realm of time. Ancient means earlier in time, time is interval between events. If events are not taking place no time! Deep sleep you don’t feel time!
  • Time is intervals between experiences; experience is thoughts so interval between thoughts is the interval of time.
  • That time where first thought came is NARAYANA, the gap between first and second thought is time.1 second before zero time the first thought came and that is NARAYANA the most ancient. GOD is unborn it is myth i.e. without any picture. It is permanently available to you, unborn, timeless, and most ancient (Santana).
  • Real is never destroyed and unreal is not permanent. Veda: vidu means to know.The indestructible state of consciousness, actual experience of consciousness and not intuitive, then the world of plurality is ended. 

How Pure Consciousness converts reality to unreality and for what it does like that...

  • EGO centric consciousness conditioned by Body Mind Intellect toasted by world outside us feel unreality, when we wake up and realised the pure awareness (higher state) how can cause anything to be destroyed and self-destruction.
  • Individuality means mind and intellect, so when the body become old and have full of thoughts inside find a way to express the ideas and reborn again to fulfill the desires and passions.
  • Even if the body is not suitable to fulfill the desires and passions the individual will give up the body and select the various types of environment required to fulfill his scheme.
  • Nature destroys things using three destructive powers out of the five elements. Space cannot destroy but air, fire and water can destroy. Nature is doing creative destruction, humans are doing destructive destruction.Consciousness of reality. It is the awareness of highest reality,permanent, all pervading.Narayana is not moving, ever pervading, permanent, well established.

You can’t avoid laws, the universal law cannot be avoided no remedy for this then why you are worried about?

  • Manifest world of Object, Emotions, Thought which are manifest as fields of experience through Body Mind Intellect.
  • It is because of him we got ability to feel, think, and perceive it is manifest reality.
  • Things are being born around me; things are dying away Thinkers expressed life as manifested expressions. If expression of divine is constant, birth or death why are you worried? You need not come in to this situation because if we born we should die change is inevitable. Those who are died will again born.

 What will be your situations after 15 years? May be manifest or unmanifest like an arrow coming out from darkness, show it up, hit it up and goes back to darkness.

  • Coming out from unmanifest and manifesting and going to unmanifest again where the destruction .Life is a temporary expression from unmanifest to manifest.
  • All are objects, I’m the subject and I’m not changing, I’m the expression of supreme manifesting and going back to unmanifest the reason we are concerned about life and death is due to our ignorance in accepting and realising the truth due to the unfulfilled passions and desires due to attachment towards objective world through the senses.
  • As the Potential pot is unmanifest in lump of clay, you and I are potentially existing as unmanifested form and manifesting when needed and going back to unmanifest.When you hear this you accept it but with Wonder.

Atman is indestructible and “I “is the name and form it will goes away but still the reality is existing. Like the waves that originates, exist, and destruct but still the ocean is live and existing. Arjuna “this weeping has no justification at all”.

What is the importance in fulfilling Swadharma... How is it related to your self development...

  • All the chaos in society is due to dis integrity which happens due to non-fulfilment of swadharma. So do your duty with righteousness.
  • Omission of filling duty will cause regret mind. Actions become good or bad based on the motive and intentions behind every action. Intentions or Omissions of performing the duty will make Impressions which bring outs mental agitation in our mind.
  • A single act can wipe out every good thing you have done during life time.
  • An action is negative or positive not because of the action but because of the motive behind the action. Go and serve the society with whatever qualities you have otherwise you will be performing a great sin towards you and society.
  • When the leading people will run away from responsibilities it will bring dishonour in the society in all times to come , Instead of that face the reality and take the responsibility without fear you will be honoured and respected forever.

How to overcome the inhibitions produced when facing society with difference in opinions...

  • Sree Krishna paints the picture of truth to Arjuna to make him feel in his state of despondency. Chief of soldiers will discuss your fleet in whispers and general soldiers will discuss it badly insulting you very badly in talks. In the war front two things can happen either you will come back or sacrifice your life.
  • Uttishta: get up from there and starting taking life in your own hands and starts facing your problems .Great gurus will teach not to run away from world but fulfill your duties in what attitude you must work in world outside. Intelligent action is called work.
  • Without discriminating intellect we must give a creative turn to the impulses approaching us .Lust is natural but when that feeling of lust come some cannot control we will express but to express it is not the dignity of human but that of animal. Even though the instincts come we have to decide whether to express it or not this intelligent action is called work.
  • Intelligently acting in the world outside. Beehive is same as always they didn’t make anything new it’s due to their instinct they are able to make the beautiful beehives.                                                                                                     


  • The outer world should not cuts you down, it’s the nature of ocean to make waves it’s your responsibility how to deal with waves .learn to play with waves without complaining the waves or sea .The waves are impermanent and they will come and go learn to play and enjoy with the waves. Don’t stood like rocks in the side of sea like incompetent and fool which has been beaten up by waves, face them intelligently nothing is permanent only the infinite reality is permanent.

Which are the complementary things which confuse you and put you in delusion...

  • Sukha and dukha –Keep your inner tranquillity in balance all the time in your ups and downs .Success or failure should not take out your balance or loose enthusiasm keep yourself equipoise. 
  • Greatness is I went on keeping my goal uncompromisingly, winning or losing is the not important but to play the game. 
  • Identified with success will make you lose mental balance .
  • Mind is disturbed then intellect is zero right thinking is not possible, so maintain the balance within. 
  • Without failure where is success it is the facet of same coin. Calculate in totality based on convictions made in your life, you suffer in your world due to compromises live up with your convictions.

How to keep away ego centric approach in order to serve the world in total  fulfillment  without vasanas ...

  • You should never act in ego centric view point, holding on your ideals with convictions and acting upon the situations lead your life. Lifting the mind from preoccupation and seek and discover your identity forever. 
  • To act in world keeping your intellect alert with consciousness is called karma yoga. Do every action constantly remembering higher reality is karma yoga. 
  • To serve the world serve him who is in my heart who is also in your heart this action is called buddhi yoga.
  • Plurality is the disturbance of lord only. Lord Narayana permeates everywhere.
  • Idols represent you the picture of ideal. 
  • National flag is not the nation it represents the nation, wedding ring represents marriage. 
  • Action born out of pure love demanding nothing and serving all and discovering fulfillment in that like a mother taking care of kids. 
  • Individual serving with limited ego so that your actions will never create any vasanas in you. 
  • Masters who works outside is to concretize his love to everything outside which is nothing but the lord itself.

Why Vyasa create buddhi yoga instead of karma yoga.

 Sankhya method: Rational or intellectual process
  • Karma in Sanskrit means rituals, Arjuna may not misunderstand karma. Listening is different from hearing. Listening is much more dynamic and active .Mind must be vigilant to absorb, digest and any thought that appear in future should reflect the essence or fragrance of new knowledge, education should transmute you.
  • Now we are only surviving, we don’t have any goals and ideals in life just bumping up and down, so the art of living is called buddhi yoga. 
  • When your mind is concentrated intellect is a brilliant instrument to live consciously. Everybody is made as genius by GOD. When mind is fixed up to an ideal the intellect is sharp our bondage with old entangled inhibitions (vasanas) will be burned off and never create any new inhibitions.
  • When you are introducing a new product we have to advertise regarding the benefits quoting references. Vyasa is introducing a new yoga called buddhi yoga.

        Dangers in karma yoga
1.  We have to follow certain sequence in every action for results to come out; we have followed the rituals in sequence for the results to be fruitful. You must implicitly obey nature’s law. You understand the science and its laws and implicitly obey that law to get the results. Electricity laws have been found out by scientist and we have to obey the laws for fruitful and safest results. The more powerful the things we are invoking the most care you must take.

2.Serving others without expecting any results but with pure  love, lot of things will happen to our inner personality. An intellect which is inspired by one ideal the intellect will integrates without shattering much more perception and  understanding. One who is dedicated he is implicitly doing  that job and other things become less important to him.Genius is not born but he is made.

  • Perform your duties without gratification or applause of others. Inspired by your own idea you are free to perform and face all the challenges. When you learn art of living with single point of mind, everything will come out. With wandering mind you cannot achieve anything, wandering mind keeps on splitting. The intellect has no application to anything if mind is disintegrated. 
  • Peoples will often visit temples for support of their actions, for begging to support our own intentions. The root cause is tendency is desire and it will cause agitations; these agitations in body levels are called selfishness. Vedas are meant for peoples having vasanas. 

What do you mean by pure heart...How possession and attachment generate negative energies.....

  • Pure heart is the language of religion .When you have noble actions the mind is peaceful and happiness arises. Even sitting in Himalayas you cannot keep your mind peaceful. With vasanas you cannot calm your mind, because of tendencies, desire, actions. So purification of heart means cleaning of vasanas. Without vasanas you are not toasted up the ups and downs of mind, tossing of mind –pairs of opposites.
  • You will be permanently in a saatvic attitude. Not desired to possess anything so not interested in joys or sorrows. Calm, alert and vigilant mind indicates the cleanliness of heart.
  • Three modes are there in a sattvic mind
  • Quiet- no desires,  Alert- any moment desires may come,  Vigilant – any desires will come destroy it.
  • Then you turn your attention to atman. 
  • We are wasting mental and intellectual energies in two directions.
  • Yoga and schema: Exhaust our energies and vitalities through these two methods.
Happiness obtained by acquiring objects .Then your mental energy is spending to protect and maintain it.
Come to a state where these tendencies are affecting or precipitating your mind. Stop your anxiety in possessing anything you are source of everything and you are sitting above it and searching everywhere.                                                                                                                                          

How do you seek information's, up to when it is required.

  • Seeking and searching: With knowledge we seek the truth and once its existence is confirmed sitting in meditation and searching the reality to experience it .Having thus prepared your equipment’s and mind energy is  not dissipated ,such dynamic mind turn their entire attention of mind in higher reality. 
  • Matter is inert no dynamism or movement in sensual and not conscious. Seek information’s from text book and when you are convinced thereafter turn your attention in search of mighty reality that enlivens everything. Exclusively contemplate on that divine touch, conquer your mind to avoid it from wandering and contemplate on the higher reality.                                                   

Krishna advise arjuna the road map to reach higher realities.... Then he explains how to perform karma without attachment ...  how to set ideal goal in your life and how we should walk towards achieving that goal.

  • Krishna is telling Arjuna go beyond the sacred texts. Scriptures are road map to destination One who has awakened to that states of consciousness road maps are redundant .Concentrate on text books they are only road maps, take it along with you to throughout the journey until you reach your destination, check up from point to point to follow the path, get the directions to destination .In order to drive home we use these roadmaps until you reach your destination. Making money is not important but to protect and maintain it difficult.

      Who is Brahmin:
  • Searching for higher reality .Once awakened to the higher reality Vedas is of not important. Vedas literature is of contemplative students. Yours job is to  fulfill the duties and not to expect the results or anxiety of fruits. Never dissipate your mental vitality thinking   about the results. 
  • Learn, Plan and execute the work, if you work not consistently all our talents will be lost.  Excellent works produce excellent results. Keep your mind calm and serine, keep your mind where your hands are functioning, keep your mind here and now bring your entire mind and attention there where your hand is doing jobs the performance will be excellent.  Your thoughts should be with the ideal, renouncing all your attachments, holding on your ideal perform your work. Perfect detachment will help to hold to your ideal to deliver fruitful works. 
  • Attachment means the stream of thoughts with which we tight ourselves. 
  • Attachment is “I + I want make yourself free from these attachments or the dependency for your completeness discover your own completeness. Once you get in your actions don’t get unperturbed by various obstacles in front meet them diligently.

Yoga is the inner equipoise of mind cultivated which will give the ability to rise above all obstructions and proceed to goal unobstructed.
  • By far lesser, complaining about the tensions and difficulties, work should be inspired .Inspired enthusiasm will bring joy in work and it is nobler than any extortions and fatigue you bring out complaining about work. Keep the goal highest that you cannot reach striving to reach the goal is the ideal and not reaching the goal.
  • Surrendering to god means , we are rising above the ego centric actions , like vasnas and intuitions , the vasanas get burnt .Tendencies will burnt and cannot express in agitations of actions. Vasanas will be like roasted seeds, because of roasted nothing come out from seeds. Karma yoga destroys the tendencies process of purifying the heart. All tendencies become immunized; fight your life’s battle in order to get the Inner purification. Yoga is to bring dexterity in actions wiping all the tendencies.

 Explain me the science of controlling thoughts. 

    Howto realize singularity 

  • Refusing the mind to go in to the future, peoples who are thus renouncing the activities for the fruits of actions they become totally liberated from the realm of change, no more  in this world of plurality. All our physical inquisitiveness will end the moment you wake up, since you have  realized the  pure state of knowledge.
  • Thoughts are habitual, each one of us have got standards of conduct, mind is following the patterns of past. Quiet mind is called pure heart. Quieter the mind deeper the contemplation more and more the vasanas will get expelled out.
  • When you’re confused mind or your confusions of intellect (under the compulsion of vasanas), mind and intellect dissipation will cease. When the intellect get redeemed from the world outside at that time your mind will get indifferent to all the objective and subjective knowledge learned. No more anxiety to know anything more, you have known everything. 
  • Conviction will come to our mind when the understanding of reality will come stronger and stronger our mind will stick. Whipped up and guide up by our own thought victims of our own thoughts, as we are conscious of our own thoughts. Thought cannot be without an object (name, form, emotion, and theme), when objects are removed thoughts are removed .All objects will not become a thought. When I become conscious of object thoughts will come. Intellect gets redeemed form outside your mind become quiet intelligent and vigilant.

    Thought = object+consciousness. 

      Thought-  object=consciousness.

  • Purest mind is the infinite reality, greater you go to contemplation, mind become more pure and you will reach a state and you can realize the last thought happened and next thought is not going to happen. 
  • As a result of that what you have studied and brought in your mind, your attention of mind is taken away from plurality, mind can no longer think or it doesn't have wavering nature .
  • Thought is consciousness playing on objects, because we are attached to objects.
  • At that time you have yoked the mental attention to become the pure consciousness like the dream disappears. This process is called yoga in Hinduism, yoking the attention of mind and intelligent exclusively. Renounce all your attachments and holding on your ideal let your hands work. Everyone has attachments without that no one can exist in this world.
       How to see the beauty in you....
  • May yours be the anxiety to fulfill the duty but don’t dissipate your mind with that anxiety while performing your duties. The results of an action are the effect of a cause while I am acting. Action in present and we are dissipating our mental energy for the unknown future. Its irrational to worry about future, beauty of action in present will yield the beauty of future. Discover your own completeness or fullness rather than looking outwards or attach to world outside to find that beauty. You act unperturbed by various obstacles like the mother Ganges flowing down from Himalayas to Bay of Bengal through hard obstruction, while flowing through those obstacles she will generate a rhythm and create of melody out of that. No obstacles should affect us, diligently work to find the rhythm and maintain the stability of mind.              
Yoga is the inner equipoise of mind “
Work should be inspired “. 
Keep the goal highest and striving to reach is the goal. You will never feel the exertions of work if we work inspired.The whole githa is a dialogue.Arjuna out of coma is slowly emerging outside   and asks a doubt.

   How to plan for an action that bears joy always.

                Action = Planning + Execution

   Planning = Collection of all possible data’s and study all possible  ways to execute.
  • The competition should be within us to perform excellent work; excellent work shall produce excellent results. Mindless hand cannot expect any great results.
  • Either we are wandering in the past or in the future we are here and now learn to be like that. Put all attention to the place where the hand is working. Treat sorrow like a postman coming to your home, unperturbed by sorrows unattached to the joy, never tangled by sorrow or joy.

Important verses from last 18 verses of Bhagawat Githa.

Man of perfection is one not caught within in the web of attachment, fear and anger.
  • Where there is attachment fear comes there, the fear then turns in to anger and you forget everything once you get angry. Establish your mind in the higher reality brings true contemplation. Any member of the human race at any places should have no attachments to world outside, sometime conducive circumstances or unconducive neither rejoicing or hating there he stands equipoise and balanced such a person can truly contemplate on the higher reality.

Expectations carried from the past experiences create conducive or unconducive circumstances .
  • When the vasanas will go neither conducive nor nonconductive will exist, those who live in perpetual spring of bliss which is the nature of highest state of reality.
  • Unshaken from adversities, not hankered up to joys and pleasures.

  • Anger rages out from fear which comes out from attachment
  • Attachment is the root cause and fear and anger is the consequence. 
  • Attachment is merely the thought of I +I want which is the source of agitation in mind. 
  • Individuals well establishes in the higher state of consciousness , he at all times and places without no attachment lives in the world outside , things happen around us whether conducive or non-conducive he will face them all neither rejoicing neither hating without attachment , maintaining the balance of mind .

Conducive circumstances are guided by the tendencies in the mind which creates expectation.
  • When vasanas are gone we are not living with our mental or intellect level identified with higher state of consciousness. The teacher might anticipate before the doubt comes in to the students mind.
  • Just like tortoise brings out its limbs, head, tail from the shell when the situations are safe.The moment tortoise feels distant possibility of danger he will pull in within no time, instantaneously, naturally. Same way whenever the situations may become attractive he pulls up all his sense organs, mind and intellect in order enters back again to the Shell of understanding and greater experience of reality or experience of divine effortlessly.

  • When the temptations are permanent what you will do?
  • Once you start rejecting indulgences, the tendencies starts to fade away and finally clearing away the attachments towards sense objects giving you the ability to pull back to the greater experience whenever the conditions become conducive to attachments effortlessly.

If we stop consuming the sense objects, the tendencies to attach will slowly fades away.
  • Circumstances are conducive the tendencies will come up, continue your sadhana and beware of unmanifested tendencies. Suttle desires will end only once you will wake up to the higher state of consciousness. The sense objects run away from one whose is not consuming it. 
  • Unconscious desires in your mind also end when you awaken in to the ultimate consciousness. Wise person who knows about the scriptures and continuously preaching spirituality to achieve the ultimate reality yet in case he has not controlled his sense organs all the serenity he has achieved will drain away. Our minds run out through eyes. Mind is a substratum or canvas if it will oscillate the picture drawn on mind will fade away.

  • You must have a goal and once you are inspired in your goal the best talents in you will come out. You are the master and sense organs are vehicles which help you to move or play. Don’t let them to rule you it will misguide and destroy you. Art of thoughts.......  
  • Art of thought that continuously comes and creates attachments, attachments then grows to a blind lust to enjoy, embrace the object. 
  • Thoughts if not controlled it will multiply to become desires, Desires can be fulfilled either by done or not done. Most of the desires cannot be fulfilled, when it is not fulfilled it will convert to anger and its intensity will depend upon the intensity towards the desire. 
  • When the supreme anger comes you start seeing things which are not there, you cannot discriminate and cannot what to do, loose wisdom. 
  • My total memory is wisdom it is with reference to wisdom I judge things, when memory is lost intellect is gone .
  • Man – Intellect = animal. Intellect will give the discriminative power.

Blissful state of mind can be achieved when you are consistently worshiping the higher reality. 
  • Real Inner peace and joy will come when the mind is peaceful, if mind is agitated you will never feel any peace.
  • When you feel the bliss all the sorrows will fade away from mind and you will be relieved from sorrows. Mind is peaceful the intellect will be bright; it can conceive and understand things.

Brahma muhurtha is the blissful moment in the morning, where your mind is peaceful and intellect is bright. 

Contemplation is consistent logical thinking .Peace is condition of mind.  

Muni is man of wisdom. Person who has awakened will never wake up in to ego centric world.

  • A ship where the captain is dead and in the midst of sea will that ship will never ever reach harbour ,similarly a person having no control of sense organs will be toasted up in circumstances and finally end up in some calamities. Therefore a person who is self-controlled over sense organs from wandering in sense objects, he will acquire the real knowledge.
  • The man of pure wisdom has to live in world of desire, even though desires may reach, wise people will never overthrow their mind to acquire and enjoy the desires. 
  • Desires will never overflow from master’s mind. All the desires will be accommodated in wise peoples mind because of the vastness of their mind which always tries to embrace the reality which fills the whole world. For such peoples the desires for objects will never cling to their mind, he will feel the peace.

Brahmic state is not a temporary state, once you reach there you invoked from dreams he will be in a new dimension of consciousness, that state is beyond time, it is timeless, it is changeless, it is birth less. 

  • What is beyond  dreaming state ,who had realized it 
  • How can it be realized.....

  • Go beyond the shackles of time, once you reach there the dreamer is no more, I who is the dreamer is the waker. 
  • Every prophet lives in the society until the end time of body, embracing the whole world with infinite love wanting to serve and bring happiness to society. After death he gets merged with the brahmic state and consciousness where he merges with highest reality of truth.
    Quotes to be remembered 
  • Body oriented “actions”, emotion oriented “love”, highly intellect “rational thinking”.  
  • Lord of love can give love for love. No other entities in world can give back love for love. So turn your attention to lord. 
  • Highly intellect people’s instrument is rational thinking; unless they are not convinced they will never believe in the facts. Pain cannot be showed up but only can be experienced. 
  • It’s our failure if we cannot communicate to supreme reality; all three types of character mentioned above need three different techniques to purify their mind. An action is good or bad based on their motive in the mind of actor.   

Contemplation and Meditation is nobler than Karma how can you justify it in this modern world.....

Arjuna pleaded to Krishna that you said contemplation is better than action then why are you forcing me for war, you are confusing me, at one time you said do your karma now you change your statement that contemplation is better than action, you have created a terrible confusion in my mind by saying both prescribe one method. Chose for me one path so that I can choose my proper way.

  •  Material prosperity has got weakness in it, the total unit of money remains the same if one individual corners wealth it must be from the pocket of others, richness of one increases means other become poor. In this world, two paths has been advised from time immemorial, Knowledge yoga is contemplation  made to suit the need of intellectual people , Karma yoga is advised for dynamic people ,cannot sit quietly for a moment for those people action is applied. For Arjuna since he is a warrior the action or karma yoga is advised by Krishna.

Great state is beyond the body, mind, intellect, thus consciousness which illuminate the body, mind and intellect cannot be expressed in words. For material qualities there are words to explain it. 

  • Definition of god cannot be described; higher state of consciousness cannot be described. 
  • When the student comes and ask what is that , teacher can explain in the language of negation .
  • It is state where no desires exist  no thought agitation exist in that reality, actionlessness is nature of that reality.  
  • Is highest reality is run away from duties which is mentioned by actionlessness, No  Krishna explained actionlessness from thoughtlessness, which comes from desirelessness ,which comes from high contemplation.
Efficiencies will grow if you engage in actions regularly, if you don’t engage in actions your efficiencies will retard. 

So long as you live actions should come out in response to outside stimuli. Either physical or mental actions are going on in one’s life in waking or sleeping state. First we run after karma after karma runs after you. Organs of action five organs of perception and five organs of reactions ,once perceived the reactions the intellect decide how to respond through organs of action speech, hands, legs, genital organs,  anus (Instrument of Actions) . Sense organs can function if the mind is in contact with it, if the mind is on higher realm sense organs can’t work.

Interactions with ideas cause a precipitate to come out which is called doubt.  Karma is the path of contemplation in this context Arjuna asked Krishna why you are forcing me for war. Material prosperity has its own weakness; the total unit of money remains same when one individual corners wealth it must be from the pocket of others, prosperity is removing the money from one pocket to other, real prosperity means how the standard of living of all peoples will be raised. Western religions are taught there is one god one book and one path, for Indians as many ways as possible will be searched to attain prosperity for community.

Who is author of Hinduism for that question there is another question to be asked scientifically who is the author of physics, there are many many scientist who searched for the beauties of the nature many scientist had contributed ,like wise Veda’s are contributed by many peoples, over a long period of time great rishis has contemplated and studied human behaviour and how it can be beneficial for community living and nature  released their declarations which is compiled together becomes our Upanishads and Veda’s. There must be many paths to suit the demands of many people.  The path of contemplation and action is to suit two different actions for Arjuna who is a warrior must choose the path of action instead of contemplation.  

Panchajanyam: Sree Krishna
Devadattam:     Arjuna
Paundram:        Bheema
Ananthavijayam: Yudisthira
Sukhoshana: Nakul
Manipushpaka: Sahadev

  • Hanuman: Most powerful, Devoted, and Loyal to Sree Ram.
  • Rishikesa – Lord of Senses, He who is enlivening in you, is Krishna
  • Gudakesha – Man of action, which is sleepless when taken a job, dynamic personality.
  • Enlivening touch of life in everyone- Lord Sree Krishna,Caught up in the web of ego centric.
    Upanishads – peaceful serine atmosphere
    Bhagwata- Excited, Agitated, Fearful conditions worst of situation one can face.
Reference : Guruji Swami Chinmayananda