2018, ഒക്ടോ 9



Hindu philosophy considers that that there are two eternal causal principles behind the creation of this universe. The unconscious and the conscious causes.
By Universal Concept ---The unconscious cause is the Prakriti or Universal Law works on three qualities satwa, rajo, tamo gunas, the conscious cause is the Purusha or Creative consciousness. Both these principles are neither created nor destroyed. Seated in Prakriti, Purusha creates which means the creative consciousness of universe utilizes the universal laws to perform creations which are moving or immovable. Universal Purushan which is Brahman is the causal energy, Prakriti is the subtle energy, and Manifested universe is the Gross energy.
By Personal Concept ---.A Person has body, mind and spirit which is Gross, Subtle, and Causal created with different combinations of gunas. At physical levels Body and Mind constitute Prakriti (Gross, subtle) and Causal nature is Purusha .The one who realize   when you are in wake, dream, deep sleep state is atman.


Prakriti has two forms, Avyakta or unmanifested and Vyakta or manifest.

Avyakta is composed of three Gunas or qualities, Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. They are the building blocks of this nature and referred as  Karan Prakriti or causal nature. You are composed of these five sheaths or koshas, but you are not that. These five koshas belong to the lower existence, not to the range of supreme knowledge. They are controlled by the three gunas: sattwa, rajas and tamas. Guna means quality, faculty or attribute. The three gunas belong to nature. In philosophy nature means prakriti, the universal law. There is a universal law which controls all, from biggest to tiniest, and it is inherent in the thing itself. Take a tree, for example. It is controlled by the laws inherent in the tree. In the same way every human being and every animal is controlled by a law which is inherent in it. My controller is inherent in me and that is the law. That is prakriti, and it controls, maintains or manages each and every law by the three gunas.

These three gunas again control the five koshas. The three gunas work in unison. Nothing is controlled by one guna. The body is controlled by tamoguna, but there is also a little bit of rajas and sattwa. In the same way, anandamaya kosha is controlled by sattwa guna, but there is a trace of the other two gunas. The mind is controlled by rajoguna, but there is a trace of the other two gunas. The three gunas control the five koshas in cooperation with each other. They all have a share. In one kosha, one guna may have a major share and in the others a very minor share, but the proportion changes from time to time.

Nothing can be created or destroyed. Everything that appears or created are actually evolution (Parinama) of cause into effect .This effect is called the Sukshma Prakriti or Subtle nature. Our real existence is in the sukshma prakriti as Sukshma sharira or subtle body. It is a functional perception unit. It is composed of four antahkarana and ten indriyas.

1. Annamaya kosham (Physical Body) - It can be Satwic which means harmony, balance and tranquility, where you create a balance between activity and peace. Rajas means dynamic, active, violent. Tamas means dull and inert. Electrons are bouncing inside an atom at very low speeds, the electron may be captured into a high orbital, making the atom into a negative ion, at higher speeds, and the electron will bounce off the atom. And at very high speeds, the electron will rip the atom apart. The sattwic body creates a longer bouncing, a tamasic body perhaps no bouncing at all, while a rajasic body has a bouncing but it has no limitation. During electron movement inside atom it will emit an energy field similarly sattwic, tamasic, rajasic bodies emit fields of energy depending upon annamayakosham. To the human body, the movement of electrons and electrically charged particles are essential for even the most basic cellular processes.  Every single physiological process in the human body is mediated by electrical force.  DNA replication, movement of essential vitamins and minerals in and out of cells, muscle contraction, and nervous system signals all require electric force to make them happen. Annamayakosha has ten Indriyas which are divided into two functions. There are five “entrance senses” (jnanendriyas) that feed our mind with information of the exterior world: the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin. There are five “exit senses” or sense actions (karmendriyas) that function as our means of outward expression: mouth/speaking, hands/grasping, feet/walking, genitals/procreating, and rectum/excreting.

2. Pranamayakosham --It’s the Prana that keeps our life activities on action which is further divided in to five. Pranamaya kosha is the energy in annamaya kosha.  In this physical body you have a field of prana. It is the subtle form of energy and can be measured.  Karma means action. With five karmendriyas you perform five gross actions and Prana is the force behind them. Pranayama uniforms the pranic energy profile throughout the body. Prana is the positive field of energy. Prana is divided in to four

    Pranan--Intrepet and control five indriyas of entrance senses.
    Apanan - Control five exit senses.
    Vyanan- Digestion
    Samanan -Circulates the energy produced in digestion to rest of body.
    Udanan - Self Development

3.  Manomayakosham /Mind- The literal meaning of manas is ‘that by which you cognize, perceive and understand’. Perception, cognition and understanding are the basic and primary qualities of the mind. Now this mind can be brought closer, that is to say, time, space and causality can be brought closer. When we are on the external conscious plane, the distance between time, space and causality is long and when you are in meditation, then the gap between time, space and causality is very short. In fact, if the mind can sometimes stop, time stops. The literal meaning of manas is ‘that by which you cognize, perceive and understand’. Perception, cognition and understanding are the basic and primary qualities of the mind. Mind is a part of Cosmic Mind

4. Vignanamayakosham /Intellect –Vijnanamaya kosha is related to a very unknown part of the universe and it is a link or sutra between the conscious mind, the individual mind and the universal mind. Universal knowledge comes to the conscious mind through vijnanamaya kosha or the psychic mind. Vijnanamaya kosha does not depend on time, space and causation factors. Whenever you have any experience which is subjective in nature, it is a consequence of vijnanamaya kosha. Whatever you are dreaming is a projection of vijnanamaya kosha. When you see lights and flowers, figures, angels or saints, smell perfumes or hear sounds, it is the consequence or result of vijnanamaya kosha.

5. Anandamayakosham – The fifth organism is anandamaya kosha. It is not possible to translate the word ananda. Some translate it as bliss or happiness, but ananda is when there is no happiness and no unhappiness. In happiness you are jumping, in unhappiness you are dull – sometimes low, sometimes high. So your mind is swinging. In ananda there is no swinging. There is unified experience and that experience does not change. When your mind has become steady in experience and does not fluctuate under any condition that is ananda. So we call it homogenous experience.

 Annamayakosham and Pranamayakosham collectively called Gross body

 Manomayakosham and Vignanakosham collectively called Subtle body

 Anandamayakosham - Causal body
Subtle body can be divided in to Antakaranas which are

 MANAS - Mind  ----Doubtful thoughts comes like waves

 BUDDHI - Intellect  ----Confident thoughts seems like still water

AHAMKĀRA - Ego ----Doubt and confidence is subjective and that subjective entity is Individual.

 CHITTA - Consciousness--- Drive force (drive force of computer intelligence is electricity, (Universal consciousness trapped by prakriti).

 Chitananda the all-pervading drive energy which is unconditional, without cause and effect, without any attributes, literally it represents "Nothingness" is the source for Chitt.

“Consciousness sleep in minerals, dreams in plants, wakes up in animals and become self-aware in humans.”

Explained below is the Process in which Param Purusha, with the intention of creation using universal laws called Prakriti manifests to produce movable and immovable beings.

1) Cosmic Intelligence perceives Chit Akasham based on the samskara /evolution rules(prakriti) and will interpret to form distorted perception of self-called Ahamkara.

2) Thus Param purusha is the cause and its evolution rules prakriti with the help of satwa, rajo and tamo gunas creates the subtle nature which is the Buddhi, ahankara, Mind, Chit.

3) Purusha the causal nature creates causal body which is Anandamayakosha , everlasting ananda by nature.

4) Prakriti or evolution rules shape the subtle body which is vignanamayakosha and manomayakosha which has the chit (part of cosmic intelligence) trapped inside manas,buddhi and ahankara(ego).

5) Subtle nature contains samskaras which are deep rooted patterns of thinking that is created in the field of movement and time or experiences during the field of action, these samskaras denotes desire or attachment and the ways to acheive it.

6)          Subtle body has mind which help us to cognize and perceive,  due to stacked samskaras mind will lose its original understanding which in turn creates doubts.

7) Subtle body has buddhi or intelligence which will create false perception due to this corrupted mind.

8) This false perception blocks our real understanding about the trapped chit in our subtle body and it will now identify the trapped chit to our gross bodies.

9) During wake up chit is identified with material so it is Viswan.

10)  During dream chit is identified with energy so it is Taijasan.

11)During deep sleep which last for few seconds chit is identified with chit so it is praajna.

12) Every karma is followed by desires, which is created from the benefits of its results Desires can be suppressed if results of karma is shared for the benefit of others or performed selflessly. With full focus and attention, it brings fulfillment and freedom. When you make service your sole purpose in life, it eliminates fear, focuses your mind and gives you meaning.

13)        Using Bhakti, we surrender our attachment towards desires (emotions) resulting from karma to god without expecting any response, thereby restraining our mind from any desires.  Devotion is a way of transforming your emotion from negativity to pleasantness; devotion is another dimension of intelligence. Intellect wants to conquer the truth. Devotion just embraces the truth

14) Using Knowledge we can use the powers of the mind to discriminate between the real and the unreal, the permanent and the transitory. What is it that prevents us from knowing our real nature and the nature of the world around us? The covering of maya. Jnana yoga is the process of directly tearing that veil.
15) IF we break any one of this wall the rest will also break releasing the chit to chit akasham and the cycle will end forever.

1. Chit akasham = Param Purusha

2. Chit = Part of Purusha with Creative Consciousness.

3. Anandamayakosham is created with influence of Causal nature, and this state is called Turiya.

4. Vignanamayakosham and Manomayakosham is created by the influence of effects or subtle nature this state is called Swapna.

5. Pranamayakosham and Annamayakosham are created by the influence of the perceiver who experiences the manifested reality this state is Jagrat.

6. Three Gunas generated from the distorted self-perception in presence of the drive force Chit creates the Shariras which enables the perceiver to perceive the manifested reality created by the Cosmic Intelligence Buddhi.

Unconscious Karan Prakriti creates Sukshma prakriti which is then interpreted by buddhi, perceived as manas, which forms the subjective experience which is felt during conscious state. The drive force which is trapped inside the Jeevan is Chit (Consciousness).

 When you Sleep ---- You feel Mind and Intelligence only

 When you Wake up --- You feel Mind, Intelligence and body.

 When you are in deep sleep -- You feel pure intelligence

Then the you who feel the above condition is Chit or Atman, which becomes free through jnana yoga, Bhakti yoga or Karma yoga merges with Chit Akasham which is Brahman.