2018, ഡിസം 15

Life Cycle of Stars

Life Cycle of Stars
Let me invite you to visit the wonderful world of interstellar environment, our science has advanced very deeply in to cosmology with the invention of advanced telescope.

Star Explosion
The primordial atomic element of the universe were hydrogen and helium .These light elements are able to make a star .For life to be possible heavier elements such as carbon , oxygen and nitrogen are required ,these elements are forged inside nuclear furnaces of the first generation stars. When these first generation stars die they disperse most of their mass in to space, these dust and gas of exploded stars assemble to form nebulae.

Protoplanetory disc- Protostar
Sudden explosion of some nearby stars produces ripples across through clouds, stirring the gas and dust particles, with sufficient gravitational attraction they clump together and interact. This interaction cause it to spin faster and as these dense clouds spin it flatten in to disc, Within 10 million years the center of disc become protostar and after 20 million years the disc around the protostar become protoplanetory disc .Our earth began from the grains of dust in the whirlwind of protoplanetory disc, and in time coalesced to form the planet gathering all the elements required to make the ecco system necessary for life. A star cannot be formed unless the planets picks up most of its angular motion of the whirling dust cloud.

Eagle Nebulae
Total 125 billion galaxies are known to us and each has 100 billion stars. The famous nebulae eagle which is 400 trillion miles hurled and 300 trillion miles wide has been made by materials blown in to space from exploding stars. As gravity pulls the raw materials in on itself large balls form at the center of each clouds these are the protostars, they are covered with a dense cloud that is blowned away by the heat produced in the contracting protostar at the core of the ball the heat increases due to collision between dust particles and intensify with continuing contraction , when the core temperature become 10 million degree centigrade nuclear fusion of hydrogen to  helium begins with fusion energy is released as light .The size of stars depend upon the amount of gas and dust gathered during its formation. The brightest super star is 150times bulky as the sun and smallest star is 10 times less massive than sun. Smaller stars are dim but they live longer than big stars.
Heavier protostars contract quicker to form stars compared to smaller ones .Being a star is a balance act between contraction and expansion. The force of gravity is attracting every part of star to the center, while the huge fusion energy is pushing everything outward. A stable star has both these force balanced. The balance is maintained if there is sufficient hydrogen available in star.

When this hydrogen is depleted, gravity wins the battle and star starts to collapse, gravity cause the star to contract, this gives the star a second chance to survive by fusion of helium in to carbon, in stars the heavier elements are formed in this process. In this process nuclear fission occurs to hydrogen gas surrounding the outer star shells which cause the outer envelope to expand as a result of energy released from nuclear fusion, the core on other hand contracts and radiation energy inside will increase causing the outer shells to expand further more and the star start to glow brighter than ever, As the temperature starts to decrease in expanding envelope the color shifts to Red making the star a RED giant.
Red Giant 

Like sun after becoming a red giant, finally gives its outer shells to universe in the form of planetary nebula, as this envelope casts off the core of sun become smaller like earth we call it white dwarf. It’s so dense that one teaspoon of its core weighs 5 tons on earth. The tightly compressed electrons produces a quantum repulsive force which balances the gravitational pull inwards, it radiates its remaining trapped energy which creates a beautiful glow , it loses its light over billions of years to form cold black mass then we call it black dwarf.

In big stars are hungrier and go through their fuel much faster, once all the hydrogen at the stars core has fused to become helium its starts to become super red giant, its core shrinks to create heavier elements resembling like onion shells, eventually making its central core with iron where the core temperature reaches to 5 billion degrees or more. Iron cannot burn to form energy to sustain nuclear fusion. The gravitational push is first balanced by quantum repulsion of electrons , but strong gravitation force squeezes the electrons in to nucleus to form neutrons , with loss of electron nothing is there is oppose the push of gravity as result gravity crushes the iron core from say size of earth to twenty kilometers in diameter , where quantum repulsion of neutron resists further compression .This core collapse releases enormous amount of energy , we call the exploding star supernova .These shock waved caused by the explosion of core can travel at speed as much as 30,000 miles per second pass through the shell of gas surrounding the core generating temperature and pressure highly enough to create elements heavier than iron . The outward layer consist of carbon , oxygen , nitrogen and silicon blast themselves in to space at speed up to 10,000 miles per second  these elements are the building blocks of life in earth.

The resulting supernova comprises of 95 % of destroyed star, its brightness rises to a maximum and then fading all happening in a weeks or months’ time.  The elements thrown out from expired stars form giant molecular gas cloud like eagle nebula, as these clouds are the nurseries where new solar systems are born. It is very likely that the birth of our solar system was initiated by the disturbance created when the shock waves from a nearby passed through the lanes of gas and dust in a spiral arm of our galaxy.

Inside a neutron star
Neutron star is the densest object in the universe , one spoon of neutron star will weigh millions of tons on earth and it spins at incredible speed like 716 times a second , due to its intense magnetic fields it radiated a narrow beam of electromagnetic radiation which falls in the range of radio waves , its directed beam sweeps through space like a light house beacon, if earth happens to be in the path of radiation , a pulsed radio signal is detected as if coming from a transmitter in space, they are otherwise called pulsars.

In big stars twenty five times larger than sun , since its initial mass is larger the gravitational pulls overwhelms the repulsive force of neutron and its entire mass is squeezed instantly in to a space smaller than the head of the pin actually much smaller than the nucleus of a single atom. How dense such an object would be , how much gravitational force will it exert , so much that even light could not escape it .that why we call it black holes. The black hole is like a cosmic sink hole sucking all the surrounding materials in to its center, as stars and planets happens to be near to black hole are drawn in to the vortex they begin to spin around forming accretion disc, it become so hot and stars in its starts to radiate light, allowing us to observe the materials inside before it is swallowed in.

Mass of star vs  star final form
Giant black hole compact accretion region emit light even from 10 billion light years we can see their light .The black hole at our center of galaxy is called by name Sagittarius A and its mass is roughly 3.7 million times sun every second 100 supernova explosions are happening in universe.

Binary Stars rotating mechanism

Binary star , orbit one another , if one of the pair become white dwarf its gravity can withdraw matter from companion star ,when a white dwarf mass become 1.5 times larger than that of sun it explodes as supernova, nothing remain behind. The entire mass of star is blown to space.
Now we have seen the universe doesn’t waste anything, for each star dies another is born .the cosmos conserve and recycle long before people did. The energy required for this process was there and remains there forever, and what is the power source for the universe?